Swim Rite Service

Swim Rite Pools does a range of services including in and out of the store. We have an outside service crew that takes care a range of things such as installations and service. Along with a women led inside crew to take care of sales of pool chemicals and help with pool chemistry. Our services include:

Outside Crew

Opening and closing pools

Opening and closing pools

Our service team will go out and open your pool for the season along with close your pool for the season. This includes inground pools, onground pools, and aboveground pools.

At openings the crew does the following: Take cover off, raise water level, add chemicals, clean cover, get equipment up and running.

At closings the crew does the following: Lower the water level, add winterizing chemicals, winterize the equipment, blow lines, add antifreeze, put cover on.

Inground Pool Construction

Installation of aboveground pools 

Our crew installs aboveground pools. For more information on aboveground pools and aboveground pool liners click the links below.

Aboveground Pools

Aboveground Liners

Hayward Authorized Dealer Logo

Swim Rite Pools is an authorized Hayward Service Center

That means we are certified to fix Hayward pumps, filters, and heaters.

We also service general pumps & filters. Want more information on the kind of filters, pumps, and heaters we sell and service check out the link below.

Filters, Pumps & Heaters

Leak Detection

Leak detection

We will have our crew go out with our leak detector and search for the leak in your pool. When they do find the leak, they will patch it with a clear vinyl patch.

Inground Pool Image

Pool remodeling

This can include the changing the liner, changing your pool steps/adding pool steps, replace the pool’s coping, skimmer, and returns. Pool remodeling gives your pool a new look and makes the pool feel brand new again.


Inground Pool Accessories

Liner Replacement image

Liner replacement

For inground, aboveground and onground pools. This includes picking from our large variety of liners. Then our crew coming out and replacing the liner. Click the link below to see the liners and brands we offer.


Equipment Image

Equipment install, heater install, sand/media change.

Our crew will install new equipment including pumps, filters, and heaters They can also change out the media in your filter. For more information about the filters, pumps, and heaters we install click the link below.

Filters, Pumps, & Heaters

Loop-Loc Dealer Cover

Swim Rite Pools is an official Loop Loc Dealer

Being a Loop Loc dealer means that we sell and install safety covers. For more information on Loop Loc covers check out the link below.

Inground Pool Accessories

Automatic cover image

Automatic cover installs and repair.

We install automatic covers for inground pools, along with repair the covers.

For more information check out the link below.

Inground Pool Accessories

Inside Crew

Chemical Sales image


The inside crew deals with the sales of pool chemicals other sales inside of the store. The items we carry inside the store are chemicals, floats, safety accessories, sport items and decor, evergreen switch mats and flags, pool accessories, evergreen decor (mugs, garden items), children’s floating devices and suits, etc. So, stop in and look at all the items we offer! 

Water Chemistry Testing

Water Testing

We offer water testing for pools and spas. Water balance is especially important for the life span of the pool. Imbalanced water can not only cause irritation to your skin and eyes it depletes the life span of your liner and equipment. Unsanitary water can lead to it can lead to infections. You always want to make sure your water is sanitized and properly balanced. So, take a sample into Swim Rite Pools where water testing is free and easy. (Water testing is free as long as you purchase something from the store.)

Teaching Chemistry

Teaching chemistry

Our inside crew will help you with your water chemistry after receiving your printout from the water test station one of the girls will assist you on what chemicals you need and how much you need to get it back into balance. The girls can help when you run into a problem with your pool anything from the water turning green to dealing with bigger problems like, not being able to keep chlorine in the pool and dealing with water mold. For more information on water chemistry stop in or check out our chemistry page with the link below.
